Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011

Dattler at Freiburg
Presentation by Lilith, Mara and Nina
- Owner*: Hansjörg & Jörg Dattler
- Schlossbergrestaurant Dattler GmbH & Co KG
 Am Schlossberg 1, 79104 Freiburg
 Tel.: +49(0)761 137170-0
 Fax: +49(0)761 137170-10
 *Owner= Inhaber
- Founder*: Johann Georg Dattler
- First opening 1882 with the name „Restauration zum Adlerschloss“
- Destroyed 1944 by the second world war
- Reopening 1948
- Third opening 1969 until today
New Year’s Eve Ball:
             Price: 152 euros per person
             Beginning: 7 pm
             Entertainment: Mario Ferraro Band & CocoSnuss
Murder at Dattler:
             Price: 74 euros per person
             Beginning: 7 pm
Menu suggestions
Mousse of fresh goat cheese in a coat of aubergines and zucchini
on grilled paprika and balsamic vinaigrette 9,50
Clear tomato soup with basil quenelles and gin 4,50
Mixed salad 4,00
Roast Barbarie-duck
with vegetables from the market and potato gratin 17,00
All in all it costs: 35,00

Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2011


The SC Freiburg is a sport club which was founded in the year 1904.
The club president is Fritz Keller.
The head coach of the team (2010/2011) is Robin Dutt, he does this job since july 2007.
He was born on the 24th january 1965 in Köln. He's married and has one child.
The home stadium of his team is the Badenova-Stadion which was (before 2004) also called Dreisam Stadion. There are 14.000 seats and 10.000 stances where you can enjoy the matches.
The club colors are red and white, in the ouward games they wear a white shirt and in the home matches they wear a red shirt. Always when the SC shoots a goal, you hear this song:

                 By Anna and Evi♥