Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011

Food in Freiburg

Hi there.  :D
                     Here is our presentation about:
                               Food in Freiburg
There are a lot of Specialties in Freiburg.
For example:
-          Beef with horseradish- sauce
-          Beetroot and boiled potatoes
-          Tarte Flambé
-          Liver witch “Brägele” ( that are fried potatoes)
-          “ Schäufele” ( it´s meat)  sauerkraut and  noodles made of potatoes, flour and eggs
-          Asparagus witch potatoes and ham
-          The “Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte”
-          The Minster sausage
-          The “Spätzle”

Tarte Flambé
You can eat the Tarte Flambé with apples or bacon and onions. With apples it tastes sweet and it´s very delicate if you like this.

The Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
The Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte is a typical speciality, with a lot of cream and cherries. 

The Minster sausage
The normal “red sausage” is 35cm long. But there are some other sausages too:
-          A short red sausage
-          The “Thüringer” sausage
-          The white sausage with / without herbages
You can eat the sausage with ketchup, onions with mustard or with curry flavor.
The most sausages are directly from the barbecue…
è You can find the “long red) sausages-booth on the north side of the minster.

The Spätzle
The Spätzle are like noodles and they´re very delicate. But about the source from the Spätzle there are two theories.

1. Theory
-          the German housewives shaped  big stripes from the dough
-          this was called sparrows
-          later they called it Spätzle

2. Theory
       -    the word “Spätzle” comes from the Italian “spezzato”
       -    the dough was cut in little pieces (Italian. spezzare)
       -    later the Schwaben ( = crazy German people :D ) changed it to Spätzle.

è Today everybody in south Germany knows this speciality.

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