Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011


Advent: Stress or harmony?

stress:You have to buy many presents. Because of that people run from shop to shop. This gets on your nerves. At school the pupils write many classtests and everyone is in a rush. 

harmony:The families bake cookies. The Christmas preparation is the reason why the families come together. It's fun to sing Christmas charols and the children have an calendar with sweets. A German tradition is binding an advent wreath. 

Advent is the time you wait for the birth of Jesus. Arrival is another word for advent. 

conclusion: Advent is a time with much harmony for me. It's a very happy time. 
What is advent for you?   

text by Elena :)   

Why do we celebrate Christmas?   

1.Christmas is a Christian holiday (holiday comes from the words "holy"    and "day"and means a special religious day)

2. At Christmas, the Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus

3. Jesus was born in a stable

4. Many shephards came to look for him

5. Also three astrologer came to the stable to worship him

text by Anna

How do you celebrate christmas:

- you celebrate with your family
- you give your family and friends presents
- often you go to the church
- many people go for a walk and sometimes to the christmas market
- you eat good food .e. christmas goos (=Weihnachtsgans), Raclette or Fondue

In general:

- you wear nice cloths
- you have a christmas tree
- you have a Advent wreath (=Adventskranz) 

text by Maya

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