Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011

The wolves Freiburg

The Wolves Freiburg

The Wolves are the ice hockeyclub in Freiburg. Ice-hockey is a team sport with 5 players and 1 goalkeeper. The players have to shoot a puck, a little disc, into the goal. Ice hockey was first played in Canada and each game takes 60 min.
At the wolves Freiburg, there is a kids team, a junior team and a senior team. At the 06.09.1984 the club was founded and since 1999 they played in the 2nd Bundesliga.
The 1st Bundesliga is like the National hockey league in america. The wolves play in the Franz-Siegelhalle in Freiburg. In the moment the wolves are the 3rd last in the Bundesliga.
In the stadium the atmosphere is great and it makes a lot of fun to be there. 

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