Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011

The munster in freiburg

The Münster is a Catholic Church .
It was built from 1200 (under King Berthold V.) till 1513
-It was the only building wich wasn´t destroyed in World War II

uThe dimensions of the Cathedral: Inside length: 124 meters, Overall length: 127 meters, width: 30 meters, tower height: 116 meters

uThe Münster has 19 ringing bells
uTotal weight: about 25 tonnes. The Freiburg Cathedral bells are one of the largest bells in Germany.
uThe oldest bell of them is the bell Hosanna from 1258

uThe Münster has lot of creative windows. They‘re all very awsome.
uThey are a wonderful work.
u Some of the windows were donated by the guilds. The symbols of them represent their guild.

uThe Münster has two important altars inside the cathedral. The high altar was built by Hans Baldung, and the other altar in a side chapel by Hans Holbein.

The cathedral has four pipe organs. It‘s possible to play them together with one person 

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