Samstag, 22. Januar 2011

A story about Freiburg

Freiburg has a very long history of traditions. But the past wasn't always happy, there were also hard times. Times without food or with the dead people in every street. Here we show you the most important facts:

-Do you already know what a "Bobbele" is? No? It is a person from Freiburg!

-There are many little rivers which flow through Freiburg, even until today. Back then, the "Bächle" (that is how they are called in German) were there to put out fires or for cooling the air on hot summer days. Today, they haven't any usage anymore

-During the national socialism, Freiburg prosecuted the Jews like every other city in Germany too. They brought the Jews in the concentration camp in Gurs. Today, there is a memorial in Freiburg downtown, which you can see in the Photo

-The middle ages were the time of witch burnings. If you had a big knowledge about human healing, you could be accused of beeing a witch. When you were accused, you had to suffer horrible tortures, and tell the names of other witches, because they thought that the witches met on the Blogsberg (a mountain) About 150 women and men died  because of that "illusion". There is a book about these happenings, it is called "Die Hexe von Freiburg"

-Todays mayor of Freiburg is Dieter Salomon

                                               A project by Sonja, Corinna and Ann-Cathrin



3 Kommentare:

  1. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.


    A great entry! Very interesting to read! I just corrected a few mistakes ...
    If you see any mistakes in someone elses entry just go to "post bearbeiten" and correct the mistake.


    Miss B

  3. Hello!
    We liked your blogentrys very much. That´s why we don´t know which is the best of them!
    You did a good job!
    We couldn´t understand all the words, but it wasn´t bad! The presentations were great and interresting.
    Corinna and Sonja
